

Devon Ladies (1st Team) Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

12Emily Jane Morey (East Devon Golf Club)
9Lauren Pearce (Woodbury Park Golf Club)
8Abigail Turner (Okehampton)
6Sophie Page (East Devon Golf Club)
5Keeley Clarke (Torquay Golf Club)
5Julia Bee (Warren Golf Club (Devon) Golf Club)
5Amanda Burchell (Bigbury)
4Lauren McGinnis (Churston)
4Carys Morris (Portmore Golf Club)
3Lexi Dart (Churston Golf Club)
3Gudrun Thorsteinsdottir (East Devon Golf Club)
2Grace Jackson (Exeter Golf & Country Club)
2Charlotte Dommett (Torquay Golf Club)
2Caitlin Evans-Brand (Yelverton Golf Club)
2Chloe Howard (Boringdon Park)

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