(updated 1st January 2020)
Devon Golf will contribute to the expenses of a player who represents the County in an event or match and support a junior who is playing in a national junior event recognised by the County as a ‘qualifying’ event (see section 3.5 below).
Expenses will also be paid to Team Managers, Coaches, County Junior Organisers, Directors, Sub-Committee members, Handicap Advisors, Course Raters, Competition and Match officials including Referees and Volunteers when fulfilling their duties on behalf of the County.
1 Budgetary Control and Procedures
Budgets will be established for the financial year commencing 1st January and these will be prepared with the assistance of those listed below. The Finance Director will then submit a consolidated budget to the Board for formal approval.
Activity | Responsibility |
Tournaments | Competitions Director |
Coaching | Performance Director |
Teams | Performance Director |
Course Rating | Club Services Director |
National Tournaments | Performance Director |
Marketing Plan | Development Director |
County Cards | Operations Manager |
Premises | Operations Manager |
Offices | Operations Manager |
Meetings | Operations Manager |
The budget agreed for each area of expenditure represents the maximum that may be spent during that year. Any proposed expenditure in excess of each agreed category must be referred by the relevant Director to the Finance Director, who will then review the request and seek formal approval from the Board (additional expenditure requests cannot simply be funded by under expenditure in other areas).
To cover any emergency situations, approval may be also sought from two of the Board including the Chair, Finance Director or Operations Manager. Any approval given will be formally noted and recorded and ratified at the next Board meeting.
2 County Team Events
2.1 Away League Fixtures
Hotel or similar accommodation will be provided for away fixtures requiring an overnight stay along with reasonable subsistence and travel. All accommodation will be booked and paid for by the County Office and no player or team manager is authorised to make their own booking. The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring that any appropriate subsistence and travel is within the agreed limits as set out below and arrange for an invoice to be sent direct to the County Office for payment.
2.2 Home League Fixtures
Subsistence will be provided on match days pre booked by the County Office.
2.3 Friendly Fixtures
Accommodation and travel is not provided for friendly matches. Subsistence is provided on match days for the Devon Team up to £10 per player and team manager.
2.4 Travel Expenses
Travel expenses will be paid to players at the rates stated below and the Team Managers are responsible for ensuring players car share with other players whenever possible.
2.5 Drinks
The county will only pay for a non-alcoholic drink during a match lunch and post match meal.
2.6 Personal Expenses
All personal expenses incurred by the player must be paid for by the player.
2.7 Authorisation of Expenses
20p per mile
(plus an extra 5p per mile if carrying one or more playing passengers)
Tolls etc
Full reimbursement with receipt
(see note below)
Evening meal
(tips must be paid direct and will not be reimbursed)
Each Team Manager is responsible for submitting a ‘team expenses sheet’ to the County Office as soon as is practical after each match/event.
Match expenses
Subsistence only applies when this has not been booked as part of an accommodation package.
The Team Manager or his nominated deputy may authorise additional match expenses on the match day only and may include the purchase of course planners, hiring of a team buggy, trolleys or additional drinks when needed to a strict maximum of £50.
2.8 County Colours
After representing the County in three league games or receiving selection for South West or Inter-Counties week, the player is entitled to receive a County badge, pin or tie.
2.9 Clothing & Equipment
A team member will receive 1 x shirt and 1 x long sleeved top. Players selected to play in South West/Inter Counties week to receive additional clothing as agreed by the Board. A fundraising event may be organised by the Board to purchase additional team clothing.
2.10 County Logo Balls
One ball is to be issued to each player (or pair) per competitive round and does not include friendly matches.
2.11 Ownership of County Clothing & Equipment
The Board reserve the right to ask players to return issued clothing. Each Team Manager is responsible for issuing team clothing and for keeping of an inventory of clothing issued which must be passed on to succeeding Team Managers.
3. National Tournaments
3.1 Objective
To help and encourage junior players to participate in national events and improve their golfing experience, the county will help towards the cost of entering such events.
3.2 Extent of the Scheme
The scheme covers junior players aged 18 and below (at Jan 1st), playing in junior events only. The scheme does not extend to entries from juniors for adult events. Players must conform to the appropriate EG handicapping requirements and be a member of a Devon affiliated club. The player must also be part of a county squad and evidence commitment to DevonGolf.
3.3 Authorisation of Expenses
Players wishing to enter events and be considered to receive expenses should first inform their respective Team Manager of their intention. The Team Manager, if supporting the request should then recommend the application to the Performance Director for approval.
When approving the request, consideration will be given to the individual’s commitment to county matches and events and the Performance Director will inform the player of their final decision within 14 days of receiving an application.
Successful applicants should then submit their claim form as soon as is possible after the event to the County Office by e-mail at accounts@devongolf.org.uk with all relevant receipts, duly authorised by the Performance Director for payment.
3.4 Allowable Expenses
The amount a player may receive is detailed below;
Entry Fees | All |
Mileage | 20p per mile |
Tolls etc | Full reimbursement with receipt |
Accommodation | £42.50 per night of the event |
Subsistence | n/a |
Accommodation on the night before the event is not included, but should the player qualify to play on the last day of an event and travel home after attending any prize giving, they are entitled to claim that night’s accommodation costs in lieu of staying in line with the allowable accommodation rates.
3.5 County Qualifying Events
- 1. English Girls Championship
- 2. English Boys Championship
- 3. British Girls Championship
- 4. British Boys Championships
- 5. Carris Trophy
- 6. McGregor Trophy
- 7. Reid Trophy
A contribution will be made to the club that qualifies to represent the county at the EG Champion Club event and also to individuals who qualify for the individual Champion of Champions events. The level of support will be agreed directly with the club and individuals concerned by the Board. Any other funding requested from individual players and teams to compete in national events will need to be reviewed and agreed by the Board.
3.6 Coaching Programme
A coaching programme will be developed by the Performance Director and supported by the County coaches for all players and elite squad players at all ages. When attending these events travel or subsistence will not be payable, given those attending should all personally benefit from doing so. Individual coaching vouchers will also be made available to elite players at the discretion of the Team Managers.
4. Directors and Officers allowable expenses
4.1 President (or appointed Deputy)
Travelling expenses on county business
South West Counties / Inter Counties Week - overnight hotel and subsistence
English Champion Club Tournament - hotel and subsistence
English County Finals (should Devon qualify) - hotel and subsistence
EG County Presidents and Guests Tournament - hotel and subsistence
County home fixtures - subsistence
County dinners - hotel and subsistence
Clothing as determined by the Board
4.2 Performance Director
Travelling expenses when on county business
South West Counties Week / Inter Counties Week - hotel and subsistence
English County Finals (should Devon qualify) - hotel and subsistence
EG Coaching Conference - hotel and subsistence
Clothing as determined by the Board
4.3 Team Managers (or appointed deputy)
Expenses in line with their own team players requirements,
Clothing as determined by the Board.
4.4 County Coaches
Hotel and subsistence when asked to represent the county.
Travel (if outside Devon) at 20p per mile.
Clothing as determined by the Board.
4.5 Board Directors
Travelling expenses, subsistence and accommodation on county business.
4.6 Competitions & Match Play Secretary, Volunteers, Referees, Course Raters & Handicap Advisors
1. Travelling expenses on county business.
2. Officiating at competitions and events - subsistence,(overnight accommodation may be considered, dependent upon the travelling time and to be approved by the Operations Manager or Competitions Director).
3.Clothing as determined by the Board.
4.7 Personal Expenses
When a partner of an official is formally invited to an official function, the related expenses will be agreed by the Board. Partners of an official attending any county match, South West or Inter Counties week do so at their own expense.
4.8 Allowable expenses
Competitions and match officials
30p per mile
(plus an extra 5p per mile if carrying one or more passengers)
Board Directors and Sub-Committee
members attending meetings
20p per mile
(plus an extra 5p per mile if carrying passengers)
Full reimbursement with receipt
Evening meal
Subsistence will only apply when meals have not been booked as part of any accommodation package and must be agreed in advance with the event organiser.
Expenses for a competition or match must be approved and submitted by the event organiser in one claim and sent to the County Office for payment.
For reference all Board meetings and sub-committee meetings are not expected to last more than 2.5 hours and should be arranged at suitably convenient times. Whilst mileage will be payable to those attending, no subsistence payments will be payable.