Child Protection Policy
Devon Golf Limited (DGL) take very seriously their responsibilities for protecting children playing golf and, together with the various affiliated clubs, recognise the policies of England Golf (EG), the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) and other informed bodies as set out in the "Guidelines for Safeguarding Children in Golf".
This policy is available to all clubs, staff and volunteers and will be reviewed every three years by DGL Board of Directors.
Parents have a responsibility to work with their club, the volunteers and DGL to assist with the implementation of the procedures set out below and to provide their children with the necessary information to safeguard themselves.
This policy has taken the relevant legislation and guidance set out in Appendix 1 into consideration, and will incorporate any subsequent legislation relating to Child Protection as it becomes statute.
1. DGL recognises that it has a duty of care to safeguard the welfare of children under the age of 18 who play golf in organized DGL events, represent DGL at local, regional and national events and who are in the care of DGL officials, coaches and other volunteers from time to time.
2. DGL will take reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of children while they are in the care of the county, and to help them to enjoy their golfing experience.
3. DGL will aim to reassure parents that their children will receive the best possible care while participating in its activities.
4. DGL will provide support to staff, clubs and volunteers to enable them to make informed and confident responses to specific Child Protection issues.
5. All children whatever their age, culture, disability, ethnic origin, gender, language or religious beliefs have the right to protection from abuse.
6. All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
7. Staff and volunteers working in golf have a responsibility to report concerns to the EG Lead Child Protection Officer (EGLCPO).
8. Clubs, coaches, referees, staff and volunteers will be supported to understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to their duty of care and protection of children and young people.
9. DGL intends to work in partnership with clubs and parents to review and implement child protection policies and welfare procedures, working in conjunction with the EGLCPO.
10. The DGL Board of Directors will have the responsibility to ensure that this policy and all procedures are implemented including taking any appropriate disciplinary action deemed necessary.
11. The County Welfare Officer has responsibility for responding to any allegations, concerns or child protection incidents, passing information to the appropriate EGLCPO and informing the appropriate County Golf Committees.
12. No child may take part in any DGL organised event without DGL holding a current and complete Parental Consent Form.
Appendix 1
The Children Act 1989 and 2004
The Data Protection Act 1994 and 1998
The Police Act 1997
The Human Rights Act 1998
The Protection of Children Act 1999
Caring for the young and vulnerable-Home Office Guidance for preventing the abuse of trust 1999
The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 2005
Working Together to SAFEGUARD Children 2006
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Equality Act 2010
Child Protection Act 2014
Application Forms
1. Any DGL job application form where the applicant may be involved in working with children should ask for details of previous experience of working with children. It should also ask for the applicant's agreement to abide by the County's Child Protection Policy.
2. Any job description or job advertisement should clearly state the need for a self-disclosure form to be completed and agreement to taking a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) Check.
3. Any job offer is dependant upon receipt of a satisfactory DBS Check.
4. Any volunteer who is being asked to work with children will be subject to completing a self disclosure form and agreement to a DBS Check.
5. Applicants will also be asked to provide two references.
Code of Conduct for Professional Coaches, Staff & Volunteers (PCSV)
1. PCSVs should respect the rights, dignity and worth of every child, and help to create an environment where all children have an equal opportunity to participate without fear or harassment. They should ensure that children are communicated with in a manner that reflects respect and care, and that each child is treated as an individual. The child should be supported within and outside of the golfing arena.
2. PCSVs must recognise that parents and children may confer with other coaches and experts and should not discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, disability, sexuality, age, religion or political opinion. They should therefore not condone or allow to go unchallenged any form of discrimination or prejudice, or allow themselves to publicly criticise or demean others.
3. PCSVs should develop relationships with parents and children based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect whilst not engaging in behaviour that constitutes any form of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect or bullying.
4. PCSVs should always be aware of the physical limits with regard to the children in their care, and ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary. For further information on recommended guidelines please contact the County Welfare Officer.
5. PCSVs should always try to work in an open environment avoiding private or unobserved situations, and not engage in any form of sexually-related contact, such as innuendo, flirting, gestures or terms that are unacceptable. Parents should be kept informed of all aspects of coaching, contact and other activities, and all such activities should be in the best interests of the children, with all financial implications being clearly outlined to the parents. If there is any indication or concern that an inappropriate relationship is developing the child should be transferred to another coach or volunteer.
6. PCSVs should demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour and conduct at all times, being fair and honest, establishing good and appropriate working relationships with both children and parents, based on mutual trust and respect. Care should be taken to make a clear balance between the well being and safety of the child, and the development of performance, whilst at the same time, promoting the positive aspects of golf such as fair play, honesty and rules of etiquette.
7. PCVSs should ensure that they set a very clear example by not drinking and smoking when actively working with children. Performance-enhancing or recreational drugs must never be used.
8. PCSVs should ensure that they receive appropriate training, hold any necessary qualifications and have adequate insurance cover if required.
Transport of Children
It is important that children are transported to and from matches, training and other activities in a safe, proper and efficient manner, and to that extent all drivers, whether professional or volunteers should complete a vehicle registration form. Copies of this can be obtained from the County Welfare Officer. All drivers should be asked to complete a self-disclosure form and undergo a DBS Check as necessary.
County Welfare Officer (CWO) - Job Description
Main Responsibility
To ensure the welfare and safety of children playing golf in the County of Devon.
Other Responsibilities
1. To ensure that there is an active, up-to date Child Protection Policy operating within the County.
2. To ensure that the CWO is the first point of contact for all staff, volunteers, parents and children concerning incidents of a Child Protection nature; and for any allegations of poor practice or potential abuse.
3. To ensure that any incidents and concerns are dealt with in accordance with the County Policy.
4. To ensure that any volunteer or staff member has access to appropriate child protection training as may be required.
5. To ensure that recruitment policies for staff and volunteers are in place and that all appropriate existing staff and volunteers have received an up to date DBS check or completed a self-disclosure form.
6. To maintain necessary contact with the appropriate child protection agencies.
7. To ensure all necessary Codes of Conduct are in place for all relevant bodies, staff and volunteers.
8. To advise on Child Protection Policies as necessary.
9. To maintain confidentiality at all times.
10. To retain current completed annual Parental Consent Forms (1 Jan to 31 Dec)
Skills Required
Good administration and record maintenance
Good communication skills