Men's Team

The Devon Golf Men's Team play in the Channel League comprising of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Gwent and Glamorgan. 

There are 6 matches, 3 home and 3 away, alternating every other year. The squad consists of 10 players and in the morning there are 5 games of Foursomes Pairs Matchplay and 10 Singles Matchplay games in the afternoon. The winner of each game scores 15 points and the team with the most points wins The Channel League.

Women's Elite Squad

The DevonGolf Women's Elite Squad
The DevonGolf first and second teams have been combined in 2022 into one elite county squad. Those selected are invited to attend a programme of county training events. This program consists of coaching, personal development and practice matches which are organised throughout the year by the Team Manager, with a particular focus on selecting a squad of up to 12 players to represent Devon Women in the England Golf South West Inter-Counties' Championship.

Second team matches continue to be played and the Assistant Manager is in charge of managing the second team and helping the Elite Manager throughout the year.  There are currently two pools of three counties. After a round robin set of matches, the winning team play the winners of the other pool in the South West County Finals. This final is organised by the two County Managers who have reached the final.

The South West Inter-Counties' Championship is held annually during the first week in July and is the most important event for the DevonGolf  Women's' First Team. The counties in the South West Division comprise of Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Gloucestershire. The six counties compete against each other in a format that was changed by England Golf in 2021. The new format consists of two foursomes matches followed by three singles matches against each county. The change means that players are selected to play either singles or foursomes in any one match against a given county. It is a challenging and exciting three days of intense competition, with some great camaraderie. The winning team then qualify for the England Golf County Finals where they compete for the prestigious title of National County Champions of England. 

A team player who has played for the first team against other South West counties ten times will be awarded County Colours. This no was amended March 2022 by all 6 South West counties due to a reduction in South West Inter-Counties' match opportunities.

The selection criteria for the Devon team is based upon all round performance - in particular county matches, the County Championships, regional and national events as well as handicaps. Players are encouraged to play in the DevonGolf County Championships for which prestigious trophies such as The Championship Bowl and The Lloyd-Williams Salver are to be won.

Spectators are welcome to come and support any of the county matches and especially at the South West Inter-Counties' Championship when a sea of navy and pale blue is a welcome sight for the women. In all honesty, such support really does make a difference and helps focus the women and girls on beating the very best players in the South West of England. 

Venue for Women's South West Inter-Counties' Championship 2022:
Clevedon in Somerset: 4th-6th July. Details of the draw, timings and players, as they become available, will be posted on this  DevonGolf  website.

Junior Teams

The boys and girls have separate coaching at squad level. These are our Elite groups with the girls all playing in one County Girls' Team and the boys in age groups Under 14s, 16s and 18s. These Elite youngsters are identified from the County Futures and Performance Coaching Programmes. The Futures Sessions are for beginners and high handicaps and the Performance Coaching for the lower handicap youngsters. These sessions are run in the four Devon regions North, South, East and West with a Lead Coach in each region. These Lead Coaches then make recommendations to the DevonGolf Coach as and when they find a youngster that can be advanced to the Elite squads. The Futures and Performance Programmes are for both boys and girls.

All juniors are encouraged to enter all competitions at their own golf clubs, as well as a busy programme of matches and competitions run by DevonGolf.

There is a Team Manager for each team and the Manager is responsible for team selection:

Boys' U14s Marc Mulligan 07813 802798
Boys' U16s Mark Sangster 07565 712789
Boys' U18s Gary Milne 07967 037451 headcountycoach@aol.
Girls' Teams Hannah Stephens 07500 064323

Devon Girls are selected for the Performance Squad through the Girls' Team Manager. They are usually identified when they get a CONGU handicap.of below 18. They are invited to DevonGolf Girls' coaching sessions and have the opportunity to play in some of the Girls' matches. The Elite Girls can also be involved in the Women's Elite Squad playing Women's First & Second Team matches and have their coaching with the Elite Squad. 

Another big event is the South West Girls' Inter-Counties' Championship. A squad of 8 girls is selected on merit for this 3 day tournament. 6 girls play in each match which is singles and foursomes matchplay. The maximum handicap is 18 and the competition is played on handicap not scratch.

There are Junior Order of Merit competitions played throughout the year and the girls are encouraged to take part. Girls play with the boys in these competitions but there are separate prizes for each. The Order of Merit is a points system and vouchers are given to the girl and boy with the most points at the end of the year. There is also a trophy. Boys' 36 hole and Girls' 18 hole Championships takes place in August each year.

The Boys' Order of Merit points are worked out in the three age groups U14s, 16s and 18s with the top 12 gross scorers in each age group receiving points as follows; 15, 12, 10, 9, 8 - down to 1 point for 12th place. The winners of the Order of Merit will be the juniors with the best four scores from the six events and the first round of the Boys' Championships. 

Seniors' Team

The DevonGolf Seniors play in a number of team tournaments for golfers of 55 and over.

South West Championships - a team of 6 players playing in the 36-hole Scratch event over two days. Best 5 scores on each day count to the team total. Contested against teams from Cornwall, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. The winning county represents the South West at English Senior County Finals.
NB -  the South West Championships can also be entered by any individual aged 55 and over

Seniors' Channel League - Matches played against 6 other counties - Cornwall, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Gwent, Somerset and Wiltshire. 3 at home and 3 away each year. Teams of 10 players, playing five 9-hole foursomes games in the morning and ten 18-hole singles games in the afternoon, all scratch.

Southern Counties' Foursomes - A foursomes match play event featuring 16 counties across the Southern and Eastern parts of England. 4 qualifiers featuring 4 counties each produce 4 finalists.  Both qualifiers and finals feature 36 holes in a day. Teams of 10, again off scratch.